Kentár á Nćstabar
4. maí Ingólfsstrćti 2006
Hljómdiskur međ Kentárum
sem tekinn var upp á tónleikum á Grandrokk í mars 2003.
blús á Grandrokk
1. i´m lost without you (memphis slim)
2. let the good times roll (fleecy moore)
3. (boom boom) out goes the light (lewis)
4. rockin´ daddy (howlin´ wolf)
5. it´s to late brother (al duncan)
6. messin´ with the kid (mel london)
7. my baby is sweeter (willie dixon)
8. mystery train (parker / phillips)
9. if walls could talk (robert miller)
10. hideaway (king / thompson)
11. you don´t love me (willie c. cobbs)
12. baby left town (robert johnson)
13. caledonia (fleecy moore)
Hćgt er ađ hlusta á brot úr hverju lagi međ ţví ađ smella á nafn ţess.